Jul 16Liked by Vaz Sriharan

Thank you Vaz. Thank you. As always you guide me to a “bigger” way of existing.

Can you please help me with one question?

When we surrender are not we becoming less accountable for our choices? In giving the universe the power to guide us are not we simple asking divine forces to make the choices for us? Is not part of the human experiences develop a sense of love and kindness during our choices that will accommodate our needs as souls and humans? I’m constantly talking to God and my guardian angels. My general sense is of gratitude and love for life and for all the amazing experiences on earth. Even the painful ones. However I do ask for guidance as I am very determined to live and grow in love and joy from now on. Is it fair to ask for guidance and surrender it all when part of this journey is to chose ?

Thanks again for all

Your guidance. I’d love to meeting you in person one day? When are you coming to the USA again? Or maybe I could catch a flight and come to the UK for a couple of days … never been to Europe anyways . Great “excuse” to explore a little :-)

Ana Carolina Maia Pronesti

Child Development Specialist

Early Intervention NJ


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Hi Ana thanks again for such a great question, I've answered here in audio to explore it deeper for others as well, as this is an important one for me. Many blessings, hope it helps in some way: https://vazsriharan.substack.com/p/audio-inquiries-19-when-we-surrender

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Jul 19Liked by Vaz Sriharan

Thank you Vaz. I listened to your input a few times now. Letting it sink. It resonates with me greatly the idea of surrender as to “make peace” with what it is believing / knowing it’s for our greater good in one level or another. If I understood correctly , surrender is about living with the understanding that we are being guided, and we are loved and that all that happens to us either through a prior plan or to current choices is part of a bigger plan of soul growth. I do trust the universe and I am connected to God with every single cel on my body. I’m part of this great love. I know I feel it… from a young age , I just didn’t think more about it. At times I feel stuck. Even thought I live now with this love and belonging awareness, life experiences - some of them - still hurt so much. It’s a strange mix of being spiritual but at the same time being very human.

I do surrender. Your answer made me realized I’ve been living in trust and surrender for a long time now … only I did not label that way. I let the universe guide me but I do make my own choices knowing that they are also part of guidance .

Thank you Dear. Sending love and gratitude your way 🙏

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Love your contemplations and thoughts here Ana! Yes really sounds like you have already surrendered to surrender. It's a strange place because I don't feel we "have got anywhere" either yet we have surrendered to where we are. For me the greatest - and hardest - journey is that marriage between spiritual and human...a life long journey itself yet, already happening. Many blessings, Vaz

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Thank you Ana for this, such a great question! This is a powerful topic and I’d like to answer it with an audio. I’ll record it and post the reply.

As for the US, I’ll be returning soon! I’ll be relaunching my USA retreats next year, I’ll share soon. Many blessings

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I have a question. I am so confused about what time it would be in California for this Sunday's Divine I AM Transmission series: Meeting & Clearing Regret & Guilt. I would really like to check it out.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

Hello Redbekah, unfortunately this one is for the UK/AUZ timezone. Replays are available to all who register to listen in their own time. My future ones are more accessible to all timezones

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