Fantastic. What you said resonates so deeply with my knowing and ways of existing. It’s interesting how much of our own choices are exactly the creators of the patterns. The situations wear different clothing but as I become more aware of my own choices and of all the parts of myself I’m able to see how the situations are indeed very similar and now I can make different choices regarding them. I pray that I can stay true to my highest self and always choose love when making new choices. I also pray for awareness and good discernment. I want to stay true to good - the kind of good that transcends time, culture, religious beliefs etc… the kind of good that is connected to the source. Do you have any advice on how to stay true or even know what is the real good beyond current values or social trends?

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Thank you so much and I love this and feel you've answered it. The second half of what you wrote is a powerful intentional prayer, and this is how I work too. These intentions ripple out because they state: I wish for this - yet also surrender the how. The Universe steps in and brings in change, perhaps through synchronicity or insights. Ultimately, though, the desire to stay true to yourself means you have a guiding force inside to steer you back to your true essence. Even if you lean out of it every now and then, which is also necessary for the soul's experience to grow. I find that affirming what we want helps greatly e.g. looking back and seeing the times when we have chosen love and our higher self and highlighting them more. Beautiful share thank you! 💜

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