Join me this evening for a Light Codes Activation under the planetary alignment and new moon: (Replays will be on my website)
Growth happens when you make different decisions in the same situation
Why do we feel stuck in patterns in some areas that others seem to have no issues moving through?
From Money themes to Relationships; from Life purpose to Confidence…
We may repeat limiting patterns incessantly as our ego-mind reaffirms them:
“Don’t bother trying, remember these times when it happened before?”
“You see, I told you this would happen”, it loves to inform us.
Thanks for looking out for me Ego 😐
Our Ego isn’t bad or negative. It is our traumatised Inner Child. It feels what it feels, and rightly so. Yet it has belief systems based on linear reality - where things happen to us; we are Separate; life is unfair…
The Ego is selectively attentive of reality to support its Narrative.
In other words, it sees what it wants to see, to support the Story it believes.
The key is our choice: in allowing the Ego to be our Guide.
Think about it - if you are in a difficult experience, do you turn to someone who believes you are trapped by your circumstances and boxed by your limitations?
Or to someone who believes in you?And your ability to be more?
…So who is this someone who believes in you?
It is You.
It’s always been You.
It’s just a different part of You.
This is where multidimensional transformation enters…
Multidimensional Awakening > Changing Reality
Linear healing can often ask us to dig into the past to reveal patterns and emotions - to then heal that past. The issue is this can exacerbate the problem by perpetuating the Story of the past.
This also leads to the linear healing paradox, which I’ve spoken about before:
To heal unworthiness, you focus on healing unworthiness. Yet you need the story of unworthiness…to keep healing it. It becomes an identity. And so a never-ending cycle.
Unless the healing you are seeking offers you a way out - by not accepting your original story as a fundamental truth.
This is where healing becomes Awakening.
It sees reality multidimensionally.
A flexible Past.
The only way I found to emerge from 15 yrs of intense depression was: not believing I had depression. This wasn’t a bypass. I met the difficult emotions as they emerged - yet I didn’t succumb to any label. I had to train myself to see a new story (affirmative reprogramming). To see my experience as an Initiation, to feed a purpose in a future I couldn’t see. It set me free…and well, turned out to be true.
Here we aren’t ignoring what is coming up
or allowing it to completely take over.
It's a Surrender to Awakening:
Consciously meeting what arises - whilst appreciating only a part of us sees reality this way
Feeding the part that is committed to becoming more.
This is the essence of multidimensional transformation.
It is understanding you are more than the you, you think you are.
➡️ There are parts of You independent of the story you have.
They have immense healing power to lift the Whole of You.
To do this we have to move into the discomfort of stepping into a new story.
Growth happens when you make different decisions in the same situations.
It takes great courage to step into a new story - because it demands a different way of being. It asks you to be vulnerable, open up, be someone new, someone more.
This new story is waiting every single moment and will always do so. It will take your hand and guide you into a new adventure, if you can believe…that it is even possible to believe in yourself.
Blessings on your journey,
Dive into this deeper, explore the session below working with multidimensional energy (transmission) to support this shift.
Ready for a New Timeline? Join me in May for my next Higher Timeline Activations, a series of high vibrational attunements to shift your story into a new timeline of expansion:
Fantastic. What you said resonates so deeply with my knowing and ways of existing. It’s interesting how much of our own choices are exactly the creators of the patterns. The situations wear different clothing but as I become more aware of my own choices and of all the parts of myself I’m able to see how the situations are indeed very similar and now I can make different choices regarding them. I pray that I can stay true to my highest self and always choose love when making new choices. I also pray for awareness and good discernment. I want to stay true to good - the kind of good that transcends time, culture, religious beliefs etc… the kind of good that is connected to the source. Do you have any advice on how to stay true or even know what is the real good beyond current values or social trends?