The Soul Wisdom series is a deep dive article - offering alternative “ascension” perspectives to traditional views…all to initiate your Soul Awakening.
Listen to this via audio here:
Every single moment of your existence you are creating.
You may not be creating exactly what you want, yet you are still creating.
Here on the earth plane, your Creation is a multi-layered experience - magnetising, reflecting, manifesting your soul lessons and desires. As you consciously tap into this field, you also invite synchronicity & miracles.
Being honest about Manifestation
We do not fully understand the Creation process and perhaps we never will. I could give you a formula yet this doesn’t mean it will work - for you. At this time.
Nor will it work for me all of the time.
Creation is more complex. It is Alive. Responsive. It is happening on levels far beyond the access of humanity’s consciousness. Yet just as with healing - which we also do not fully understand - we know there are techniques we can use to tap into the magic of this field. Techniques that always initiate some form of great change.
Intention is Key
As with healing, creation is founded upon intention.
The focused free will thought you have towards something, gives it energy.
This brings it into the focal area of your consciousness.
This is also referred to as Selective Attention.
Think of a camera that focuses upon a flower whilst the background blurs.
Or when you selectively listen to your friend speaking in a crowded room.

Selective Attention & Confirmation Bias
Understanding things psychologically helps us understand the Manifestation process on deeper levels.
Confirmation Bias is where we begin to see confirmation of what we have been thinking about…hence more likely to notice it in reality.
An example would be “Today you will see white cars”.
Here you will think about it and will very likely see more white cars today than you would have usually.
White cars have moved from the blurred background of your reality to the focused forefront.
This applies to all areas in life.
Utopia vs Dystopia
Let’s say someone says to you the world is becoming more chaotic and we are heading towards doom. You may begin noticing negative news stories which confirms the idea of a doom and gloom reality!
Does this mean the world is actually dystopian or are you experiencing confirmation bias?
The answer….is up to you.
And not everyone will like that answer!
This concept has been used to explain the increase in polarisation during these times as extreme opinions are confirmed in reality as we focus upon them.
An echo chamber is essentially confirmation bias on steroids as we surround ourselves with those of a similar opinion.
This of course leads to a more intensified extreme opinion = Deeper Divide.
It seems an inescapable trap…
yet it is also a test.
One for each individual to use their sovereign free will of discernment to emerge from.
This is what prevents you from being influenced by every single person.
Your Empowerment.
This is where it gets interesting…
Are you manifesting more white cars because you are focused upon it?
Bringing in the esoteric side - which we can never be certain of - there is strong evidence to show that selective attention magnetises a disproportionate amount of that intention.
For example. You focus upon white cars and now perhaps add that you want one for yourself….An opportunity emerges after a few days where a friend offers you their car that they no longer need. It happens to be white.
This is what we would call a manifestation.
It is impossible to control. To predict. However, it happens. Relentlessly enough for us to know there is something profound occurring here.
As magical as this manifestation part is…for me the real magic is all of the above.
As this is what transforms the way you see reality, internally and externally.
How to use confirmation bias for your benefit in Manifestation
When you intend upon something - especially when it is repeated or anchored within ceremony - it creates an amplification.
Ceremonies are essentially intensified focused intentions e.g. prayer, energy activations, affirmations, rituals.
These will indeed create Confirmation Bias and this is exactly what we want. To see the world in a much more expanded way for ourselves and others.
See below for an example from my own experiences.
The photo on the left is an aura photo of my chakras during the latter part of my depression. There is a darkness in the outer parts of my field (top left especially) that is leaving. I had already been doing a huge amount of spiritual work to get this far, yet you can barely see my chakras!
The second picture on the right is an aura photo 1 month after repeating affirmations twice a day. I was also listening to meditations daily. The chakras are fuller and more pronounced (darkness almost left). Above all else, I felt like a different person. Those around me commented on my self confidence and I attracted many, many synchronicities.

If it’s that easy, surely we can manifest whatever we want?
Reality is more complex.
Not all focused thoughts and emotions manifest.
This is confusing yet we can see it to be true just from the abundance of negative thoughts we have. If all focused thoughts and emotions were to manifest, we would create many more negative situations in our life than we experience!
At this level of consciousness you are aware of what you are aware of.
Yet you are far more than what you are aware of.
You are an infinite being.
Your conscious awareness is a small part within your whole being.
Various levels of your consciousness house your higher destiny, soul awakening lessons and collective design.
This means you cannot know what you need.
Think about that. You cannot know what you need….So how on earth can you manifest what you want?
You don’t need to know more than you know right now.
So the journey becomes one of discovering your Soul’s desires. As you experiment by following the wants of your heart, you discover whether those wants are in fact aligned for you or coming from your ego desire.
All of these experiences are rich with soul growth.
Re-Defining What You Want
Your external reality is awash with ideas influencing you in what you want…however what is it that you truly want?
If you want a million dollars, you can indeed focus and magnetise it.
Yet as difficult as it may be to digest, most souls do not want a million dollars handed to them. Or it would be happening of course.
The very act of earning, or wanting to earn, or trying to find out how to earn money is a huge initiation that can herald a million soul lessons. This is vastly superior to having a million dollars - from the soul level at least.
Many souls discover their soul’s strength and purpose by not having enough.
The same is true for relationships. You may seek one yet the act of seeking one is truly transformational.
Scarcity is a challenging and excellent teacher.
This again doesn’t mean you are doomed to a life of being single or penniless or lacking. It is redefining your life experience.
Everything is an initiation for your empowerment. For you to believe in yourself. In something greater. To know you are worthy. To Surrender. To find gratitude in what is. To awaken Compassion.
To appreciate what you have is enough whilst knowing you can stretch for more.
Golden Keys
Just believing something is possible… makes it possible.
The very action of using intentions to focus upon something fundamentally changes us.
It doesn’t mean we immediately believe it…we are open to believing it. This is how we wedge into our most stubborn limiting beliefs and open the door.
Intentions make the impossible possible
Can Negative Visualization…be positive?!
In Stoicism there is a process called negative visualization, where the worst case scenario is imagined. This seems absurd if we are to manifest positive things in our life, why on earth would we want to think about negative things?!
There is a big difference between unconscious negative thinking and a conscious meeting of a negative scenario.
One fears what could happen. One faces the fear and explores any emotional reactions.
What are the side effects of purely positive thinking?
For one, it creates a fear of even thinking about ‘negative thoughts or negative outcomes’…just in case we manifest it. Sound familiar?
It also creates unrealistic high expectations of reality. Here, when outcomes do not match our imagined positive desires, we are crushed.
Our life then bounces between relentless attempts at optimism and extreme disappointment.
So what can the Stoics teach us?
When we meet what we are afraid of, we are no longer prisoner to its fear.
For example, let’s say an opportunity has emerged at work for someone to lead a project in a beautiful part of the world. It is to the exact location you have been dreaming about. You want to win this!
Are you prepared for not getting this?
What happens if you don’t?
Do you lose your faith and wonder why do I never get what I want?
Or do you say, this is exactly what I am supposed to be experiencing, I am OK with it because I have already faced this reality internally. I will find gratitude for what I am experiencing nonetheless.
Is there a difference between healing and manifestation?
When you heal you are moving from one state of being to a more expanded one. It usually involves some form of release. Some form of realisation. Some form of challenge through the healing process - including facing what is blocking you. Then you enter a new reality - expanded.
Manifestation is incredibly similar. You are faced with a reality that is more expansive. Here in order to experience this reality, your frequency needs to match it. This is why manifestation always involves some form of upgrade. We have to become the very thing we wish to embody, which involves a release as well as an initiation to upgrade. Your reality will always reflect this externally in some way.
Both healing and manifestation involve a process of Raising Your Vibration.
Conscious (Grounded) Creation
To create real change in your life, intensified periods of intentional work is where we traditionally see the most accelerated form of change. For example, retreats, 30 day challenges, daily ceremonies, anything that requires commitment.
Conscious (Grounded) Manifestation is where we are always moving towards our dreams regardless if they are appearing or not.
This is why you will see those who manifest many miracles in their life are also “hard workers”. They endeavour to move through challenges, create opportunities as well as take them and stretch beyond their comfort zones.
It isn’t about waiting for your dreams…it is about embodying them.
As you do, you become them (raise your vibration)…and they reflect in your life through universal laws.
Living your highest life is a balance of meeting reality (shadow work) with stretching into a new one beyond the parameters of your personality and possibility
Another paradox as we venture into the nexus of the unity consciousness meeting point.
Are you ready for Change?
If you’re reading this,
you already are.
Here is a prayer to recite and remember - and put out an intention for change.
Blessings on your journey,
Higher Timeline Activations
Join me for an intensified chamber of intentional ceremony this year to harness the energies available, with my Higher Timeline Course.
I absolute love this. I love this. Thank you Vaz.
A few questions:
How do we heal our unconscious mind? Is it possible to become aware of our unconscious mind and the unconscious manifestation?
Is it for our benefit to maintain the unconscious unknown? At times when I’m praying or mediating or simple appreciating my life and appreciating nature I feel a pain in my heart. I have no idea why. I start to cry many times and in a conscious level I really can’t understand why. Right now writing about it is making me cry. I think I feel bad for myself even though I’m so grateful for my existence and all my experiences. I have no clue why this powerful emotion takes over sometimes when I’m connecting .
I’m going through a tremendous amount of discovery now. My main goal with this all is to be able to be the best human version of myself I can be (meaning being the most loving, joyful, caring, patient, sweet, kind to every single living thing on earth including myself).
I don’t know if all this discovery is actually leading me to that. Sometimes I wonder if I would be able to be a better human if I was more ignorant spiritually … I don’t know.
At times when I stop to reflect I get so tired. Actually I’ve been feeling extra tired lately. I feel very connected but I don’t think this is actually making me a better human. I am becoming somewhat a bit intolerant to human traits specially mine . It’s a crazy feeling. Am I crazy?
Oh Vaz, what have I done? I’m saying this jokingly (kind of).
I feel like my spiritual awareness is not necessarily making me a better human at this point and I wonder if it’s normal to feel this way.
Love always