This is a series exploring multidimensional reality, timelines and alternate states of consciousness. Activation Journey further down.
Are your dreams experiences of parallel realities?
How could alternate realities help us heal in this reality?
Over the past 6-7 years, I have had a boom in alternate reality dreams where the "Earths" have different histories. I am not alone, many are now reporting such things also in waking state.
These earths exist within the same timeframe and I am still almost “me”, continuing the story each time I return to that particular "dream" (shared further down).
We know through psychology that dreams are a way for the unconscious to reveal itself. A way of healing and processing emotions, a vital task to our conscious well-being and sanity.
Dreams reveal what we are thinking and feeling under the surface.
Yet are they more than this?
Could the majority or even all of them be doorways to alternate realities that are quite real?
We are gaining a deeper understanding of the multiverse, parallel realities, and our multidimensional experience than ever before. Here is a quote from a peer-reviewed research paper by David Leong and Oxana Zinych1 that you may find interesting:
“If dreams indeed offer access to a spectrum of realities, then our waking life is merely one expression of a much vaster multiverse—an idea that resonates with both ancient mythological narratives and cutting-edge scientific theories.
The implications of this for psychological theory are significant. It suggests that within the dream state, individuals can live alternate versions of their lives; however, briefly, to engage with different aspects of their identity and to work through challenges in a space unencumbered by the physical constraints of reality. ”
We are seeing an explosion in literature and movies exploring alternate realities. This is being matched with unprecedented new scientific findings continually affirming a Multiverse of infinite possibilities.
My Experiences with Alternate Realities
I share below three parallel reality dreams that seemed like fictional stories at first. However, they were repetitive and continued a story in real-time. Perhaps most importantly, they had tangible positive effects on my life - here.
When we open to an idea, our awareness can access that idea…This is how I began to access them, which is why I share with you.
The first one may seem like a dystopian movie, hold on for the others!
Parallel Reality Experience 1: Learning Vital Themes
I have a recurring dream where I find myself on an alternate Earth with a one-world government(!) There is a feeling of being watched and surveilled by a relatively oppressive regime. Technological advances are beyond what we have here, yet within the same timeframe. It isn’t quite dystopian, just more controlling, arising out of ‘necessity’ due to global conflict.
My repetitive dream initiates with a situation where I and a group of friends are trying to break into a factory that is responsible for creating machines to garner more control over the populace. It is as much a dare as a rebellious act. However, something goes terribly wrong and one of the friends accidentally falls whilst climbing over a fence and dies. I am stricken with guilt as it is my fault this happened, I forget why, perhaps it was my idea. My instincts are to try to escape the authorities who quickly descend upon us. However, I am soon captured.
Whenever I return to this particular narrative, the story unfolds in real-time on that earth, yet over several years in our time.
Every time I awake, I think thank God I live in this reality! Yet I also have a deep affinity for that version of me and want to help him.
As I’m sure you’re aware, the emotions we feel in the dream state carry with us in waking life. In this case, guilt, a fear of being trapped (in prison), as well as the symbolic overall theme of being controlled by the oppressive government.
These themes synchronistically have immense relevance to my life journey here. I have been healing these themes throughout my life. The onset of the dreams accelerated this healing, to incredible levels.
I have no conscious ability to enter this dream experience and I haven’t tried because I feel my Higher Self is doing this for me without my need to control it.
Parallel Reality Experience 2: Humanity Finding Its Way
I experience an alternate earth which has moved through its Great Awakening through some form of purge. There is a drastic reduction in the global population, perhaps 20% of what we have now. Nature has taken over much of the buildings and civilised world and humanity lives in smaller communities that are making the transition towards a golden age - not quite there.
This scenario is in the very early stages of the transition. I am within a community that is part of some kind of rapid learning centre. We do not seem to have any electronic technology - it seems this was the cause of the purge - we are using bicycles to get around through tree roots and foliage that have overgrown around our former civilisation that used to exist. I am making my way with other friends towards the main educational hub. Here we are taught many new things about consciousness. Despite what has happened, there is a feeling of freshness, sacredness, and spirituality everywhere. I can tangibly feel the presence of Spirit.
This alternate reality feels liberating and free. There is a sense that my soul can breathe and there is an arising joy emanating from the earth itself. As if consciousness is literally birthing on the planet.
What am I learning in this life about this dream I keep returning to?
I have no current answer to this one; I can only extrapolate synchronicities. As some of you may know, I used to run the London College of Spirituality, a community-based educational organisation. These two themes have always swum through my soul path, so it seems more is to come. I share with you now to relay how I deal with these - I am now more aware of these themes in my waking state, open to synchronicities or messages from Spirit.
Parallel Reality Dream 3: Sacred Learning World
I know many of you relate to this one, as it is said many souls who have awakened or pre-awakening experience “teaching” in other realms. This may not be so parallel as in this universe - you see how complex reality is…
I experience a university that has a distinct cathedral shape, arching out of the ground. Here I witness spiritual ambassadors of immense wisdom from different realms sharing incredible wisdom. I am in the crowd with what seems like hundreds of thousands of souls. The lecture theatre is on another world as there are different planets in the sky. It is ancient and revered by many. It almost seems like this entire world is a teaching centre - akin to a tangible akashic records.
We have been taken from our home worlds during sleep and imparted information relevant to the awakening of the world we reside upon. The “people” I am sitting next to are dear friends even though they are not participating in the human experience on planet Earth. They look human however I’m aware this is my perspective to help me process what is happening.
Ok - fascinating dream and beautiful story but that could apply to any dream, right?
What’s more fascinating is that each time I have returned from this place I have had a major shift in my life in the weeks following.
Collective Timeline Healing
We collectively utilise alternate timelines to heal in this one. Our movies are a great example of this.
As you may have noticed, there has been a significant increase in movies related to dystopian themes.
We are so drawn to them because they symbolise timelines that could have been. Infinite alternate timelines are playing out in the multiverse. We collectively borrow the themes from these other timelines to help us heal in this one.
Just as the dream state could be.
By projecting it onto the screen, reading it in a book, or experiencing it through dream - we heal these possibilities through the experience.
Here we get to choose to solidify our choice deeper into a timeline of a utopian-leaning awakening - which for me I have no doubt we are heading towards.
So how can we utilise this idea of Alternative Realities for our further development?
When we tie this into our idea of shifting timelines - we open to the idea that we can consciously migrate alternate timelines. Higher timelines are also alternate timelines already possible…already existing?
We are being asked to re-evaluate our idea of Manifestation and how it works multidimensionally. Intention is Key, a flexibility to think outside of the box and a willingness to release your core story and identity.
Join me in January for my Higher Timeline course where I delve into multidimensional manifestation and more (4 spaces left): .
I am expanding this through retreats soon, watch this space!
🔮I have also created a deep multidimensional activation journey for members to dive into this - see below.
If you’re not a member remember you can use your trial or free access on one premium post to do so.
Do you have an alternate reality story to share? I’d love to read about it
Blessings on your journey
Dreams as Portals to Parallel Realities:
Wow thank you so much for sharing such a deep and intimate part of you and your journey. I do not experience anything like that but I’m sure many out there do and by opening it up and sharing you are creating space for this experience to solidify here on earth. Thank you.
My only question is: how “processing” and “experiencing” those realities on a more conscious level can help heal? How can this dive help us to become more loving and in unit with God or the creation ?
Thanks again Vaz for all you do and for who you are . I have a deep sense of love and admiration for you 🙏