The Divine Voice Within: Reminders from within #6
Which Voice within do you listen to?
The ones asking you to withdraw from life?
Or the One wishing you forward…The ones who only see problems?
Or the One who wants to see solutions…The ones who have lost faith?
Or the One who asks you to believe…
Truth is a breath in the wind.
It is quiet,
Yet it can feel like a tidal wave of mounting desire,
To live more fully.
➡️ It seems so simple - yet can be so elusive to even remember which voice to listen to
The Whisper is the Divine within
The others are the ones who need to hear the Voice.
They aren’t bad. They are unhealed parts who lack access to the greater picture of reality.
It is up to each of us to decide which to listen to.
Each small decision, even now as you read this, creates a shift towards the life the Voice is leading you towards.
This Life is waiting for you.
Blessings on your journey, listen to the free meditation further down to support this
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