Spiral Timelines
Have you ever been caught between 2 or more decisions and feel lost between them? Spiral timelines can offer us a glimpse into our evolving awakening process
We must be able to surrender the idea of who we think we are if we wish to move forward into this new era.
Most of our personality is formed from early adolescence.
Think about that for a moment.
The person you think you are is predominantly influenced by a very young version of yourself.
If you were face to face with them, you are of course looking at a child.
From the outset they may seem naive, reactive, immature, childish - which of course they are. This is their right, as a child.
Yet that child is within.
The Inner Child.
Timeless and holding a template of reality to help you navigate through reality.
It is spiritual growth (aka psychological reframing, reprogramming, healing etc) that redefines that outlook and allows the inner child not to mature per se but to be free in its eternal childlike playful joyful state.
These limiting belief systems harboured by your inner child are also all part of a higher design. To propagate nuggets of spiritual growth if we are ready to uncover them. Until then they act as inhibitors to our life experience.
During my recent journey over the winter I was advised yet again by Spirit to surrender this idea that I am the person I was even a few months ago.
Becoming a father has changed things significantly and helped drive this point home. I absolutely love being a father and it’s a core part of why I am here.
Truthfully though, becoming one has meant I can no longer do things the way I could. Initially, this felt limiting and confusing as I tried to adjust to my new role.
However, it was only limiting because I thought I was still this person I used to be.
As I let him go, I realised a vast new expanse was awaiting, as it always does. Now even more is possible.
Who am I now?
I dont have a label yet I know I have to allow him to birth.
To Surrender our Old Self is a form of Grief.
Whilst we may feel limited by this personality and the baggage we seem to carry, this is all we have known.
I often relate it to reincarnation.
As a soul who incarnates each lifetime, there is a distinct personality taken on. Yet it is the same soul. Now imagine you are reincarnating during the very same lifetime.
This is the process of Ascension and Awakening.
How often have you gone back and forth over major decisions, within days?
Yesterday you wanted to be an artist. Today a writer.
Or perhaps to live abroad one day and stay where you are the next.
Perhaps it’s to start a project one day and the very next day feel you need to rest and rejuvenate.
This may seem quite extreme and often we may put it down to feeling lost. Yet this can sum up a lot of my own journey and many others.
This back and forth helps us refine what we want and has become prevalent in recent years as a way for us to make quantum leaps in our reality.
Or using the timeline concept here, to shift between timelines to discover what it is you truly want and what it is that is in your best interest.
I used to see this as pendulum swings yet recently Spirit has offered a new vision of them.
One of a Spiral
Here it is less moving back and forth between two or three distinct timelines, or options. It is more that after each switch, after each integration, there is a new higher version of the timeline that we return to.
Let us take an example where you are alternating between wanting a relationship and being single.
These may seem quite obviously different and you are going back and forth between these ideas. Each one is so distinct it represents a totally different unique timeline for yourself.
One day, one seems to right for you.
The next, after perhaps some coincidences, the other one seems the right one to go for. And so on.
As you alternate between these options back and forth, this idea of the Spiral is less about going back and forth between the same options.
It is more that as you return to each idea, you are accessing a higher versions of that possibility, that timeline.
In other words it is a way of accessing higher states of reality - by using your consciousness to essentially live in each one, embody the energies of each one as perhaps you focus upon it genuinely, thus integrate each one, to reach higher versions of each one.
As you swap back, you aren’t returning to a previous option…You are accessing a higher version of it. This may not seem initially obvious, however how could you not change when you have surrendered it just a day ago and chosen the opposite?
This same applies for changing your job or making any decision which seemingly brings about polarised dilemmas. We so often think we are procrastinating or lost between two poles.
If we can surrender each one - on the surface, this may seem ungrounded - we are holding our ground while our consciousness explores the viable options and reality of each timeline.
Eventually, you settle on the one that is right for you (right now).
However, this choice is a much higher octave. You have surpassed many growth lessons (and realities) because you have been willing to stretch yourself to discover what it is you really want.
It’s not about making the right decision.
Since each decision will bring about the learning you need.
There are no wrong decisions here because there is always a richness to learn from every experience.
This is where things get more interesting….
You are able to access far more in this new reality than you were before.
Even if it is staying exactly where you are!
Because your reality has changed.
Because you have changed.
The key is to balance this exploration of consciousness with tangible action.
At some point we have to make a decision.
If it is to have the relationship in this example above and it turns out not to be what you want, you have learned something you could only learn by exploring it.
This is only possible when we are intentional with our choices - rather than succumb to life’s whim (unconscious).
In other words, as you become conscious of this process, you elevate through the spiral and access a much higher octave than before, opening up brand new possibilities (and timelines).
Blessings, Love
Interested in diving deeper?
Join my Higher Timeline Activations weekend intensive (online). More info here: https://www.vazsriharan.com/higher-timeline-activations