There is great magic in life, waiting to be claimed.
To claim miracles in life, we are offered one of the most sacred gifts in existence - free will.
Using intention, we can focus and connect to ideas…
ideas become doorways of possibility.
Possibilities become a reality
because we have allowed them to become possible…
Read this excerpt of a prayer and shift the energy for today as you embrace your Miracles.
In this moment,
I activate my inner power,
and feel it flow through me,
as rivers of love and strength.
I allow my inner wisdom,
to illuminate my path,
and offer me realisations and insights.
I yield my inner love,
to show me how to see with love,
hear with love,
feel with love,
and meet with love.
In this moment I offer a call-out,
to magnetise towards me,
all that serves and elevates my joy,
my happiness,
my growth,
and my abundance.
I tap into the unseen realm of synchronicity,
miracles and magic,
and offer the song of my soul,
to bring more of these into my life.
I take my awareness to my heart chakra.
As I say,
I welcome openheartedly all experiences,
that open my heart further.
I take my awareness to my solar plexus chakra.
As I say,
I allow myself to be seen,
to show my inner beauty to the world.
I take my awareness to my sacral chakra.
As I say,
I allow myself to trust,
to trust in life,
to trust in myself.
I take my awareness to my root chakra.
As I say,
I honour the land I walk upon,
I am here,
anchored on the earth.
I take my awareness to my Soul.
As I say,
I am guided by the divine source within,
to flow with grace.
To open and receptive,
to the messages and signs,
to allow the infinite wonder.
To flow through me,
into my reality,
and open me up to the Great Mystery.
(Excerpt from upcoming prayer book: Raising Your Vibration)
Listen to this prayer in guided form
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