Namaste friends,
As the New Year approaches, millions set their intentions to initiate an entirely way of being. (I’m offering an activation this weekend for this).
I wanted to offer an additional perspective...
You may not always get what you want,
but you get more than you need.
In vision boards how often are there pictures of challenging experiences?!
I’m not saying to include them!
However, these can be the richest experiences of all…
If we envision a beautiful relationship, we often picture a flawless connection.
However, it’s the imperfections and natural challenges that provide the most growth, dissolving our shields and deepening intimacy.
If unprepared for these natural hurdles, we might retreat, mistakenly believing we aren’t manifesting an aligned experience.
As we become more conscious of the true nature of reality…we appreciate who is truly in the driving seat...
The Soul
What Is Your Soul Seeking?
A few weeks ago, I received this from Spirit, which was a refreshing reminder…
“Why do the most heartfelt fictional stories and legends involve sacrifice and tragedy?
Through these challenges, the ‘human Spirit’ radiates through.
Through adversity, something Sacred awakens.
It is here, you feel touched, moved into a different state of being.
Perhaps you didn’t come to Earth to be the best…or achieve the most…
Although you can if this calls you.Perhaps you seek what you cannot in your eternal state.
To experience struggle and you can discover something deeper…an authentic appreciation of the Sacred
It is the Contrast that makes life bittersweet - uncovering riches in your life, areas you may take for granted. To awaken other parts you never even knew you cared about.
At some level, the Divine wants you to discover this treasure.
This doesn’t mean you need to have a life of pain.
Far from it.It means when you do experience challenging experiences, you allow your Soul to experience something it also seeks…Alchemy”
Through challenging experiences, we are forced to find the light. Awakening our spiritual strength, faith, and knowingness. Giving us a greater ability to handle & experience more.
➡️ Your life will involve many things not going ‘your way’ this year…
And this is OK..beautiful, in fact
Breathe that in for a moment…Isn’t it freeing to own that?…
It frees you to have a wildly different experience.
To strive for what you want - yet knowing whatever happens is part of the experience.
Making up your whole experience.
Releasing the need to control. Feelings of disappointment.
Surrendering to something Greater.
Something bringing Mystery into your life…
Here, if you decide to consciously meet your challenges and move out of your comfort zones - you add Golden ingredients that shower down Spiritual Alchemy - nectar for your Soul.
Blessings on your new cycle