What if there is a different healing journey for those already spiritually inclined? One that contradicts the general focus of mainstream spiritual healing?
This session is perhaps the most important in understanding the nature of all what I share through these podcasts. It is the framework for looking at what needs healing in a very different way…
For along time on my spiritual path I focused on developing what I determined were 'spiritual aspects', disregarding what I had determined were 'unspiritual traits'. Over time I had many issues with reality which I spent much time trying to heal - such as fears of being seen, playing it small, wanting (later attracting) money, being ungrounded, poor boundaries, lack of motivation, commitment, discipline, relationship issues... It wasn't until I began to question my perspective on healing itself that opened me up to finally healing them.
Unity consciousness will turn everything on its head in order for us to truly integrate. This session explores this and offers a way of healing that incorporates unity consciousness - embracing our polar opposites.
Blessings on your journey, Namaste
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