New free meditation further down. This is an energy update through the lens of the Throat Chakra.
Why is the Throat Chakra so pivotal to Collective Consciousness?
Since the pandemic, we have been working through Throat Chakra themes intensely.
The Throat Chakra governs Expression…It reigns over your belief systems. It is the bridge between the higher and lower self.
It is the source of your Inner Truth. It is why in energy healing we are asked not to touch the throat area directly as it is sacred to each individual.
Each person’s perspective of reality is sacred - to them
We may not understand it. Agree with it. We may be triggered by it. Yet it isn’t anything to do with us. It is their right to see the world the way they do.
So what happened when the world polarised a few years ago?
→ We suddenly became incredibly defensive over what we believed was our ‘Truth’. Passionate about beliefs, a moment ago we had little interest in. We delved into the murky waters of Self Righteousness, defined as ‘having a certainty, especially an unfounded one, in being correct and morally superior’.
We could say throughout history this has been a theme and it ties hand in hand with Persecution. [ listen to this podcast to delve deeper ]
Acceptance is one of the key tenets
of Unity Consciousness.
Before we can embody it,
we must explore its shadow opposite
…rejection, judgment, denial.
Consequently we have ventured down potentially dark roads of censorship, cancellation and shaming as we find the very act of hearing opposing thoughts deeply threatening.
We fear if they carry such beliefs, it will contaminate others.
Yet the very act of censoring, incentivised them further.
It also disempowers those we are ‘protecting’ by having a choice taken away from them.
The real fears beneath are existential and throat chakra related.
How can a conflicting ‘truth’ (belief) to my own exist as well?
This threatens my view of reality where I need absolute stability of one truth.
What has arisen is a perfect storm, of intensifying extreme beliefs…which also allows us to collectively explore our shadow.
So whilst it seems humanity has gone off the deep end, it is the initiation we need - to finally forge this magnificent bridge between humanity’s lower and higher self.
We cannot live from the heart without speaking from the heart.
A heart centered Throat Chakra is essential for humanity to move forward as it becomes more psychic and telepathic.
You can imagine the chaos if we communicated without barriers with all of our mayhem within. It is imperative we clear our realm of Communication.
We are not triggered by what others say.
We instead use what they say as a mirror…
to project (and witness) our own pain
We may speak the same cultural language yet the way we speak is unique.
Every word has a different meaning for each of us.
You could say a sentence to 10 people and 2 of them may react and be triggered by what you have said. Whilst the other 8 listen to the words - again in their own way.
Did you say something wrong?
Did you miscommunicate?
Do the 2 people have to do some inner reflective work to decide why they were triggered?
Firstly there is no one answer here and this may be difficult to hear. Yet this is what we are working towards - a collective inclusive evolving and fluid truth.
What we can say is that when we take responsibility for our own reactions, we discover Compassion beneath which guides the way. The Throat Chakra is also related to Responsibility.
Practical Healing
Seek out areas where you unintentionally blame - another, yourself, God, Universe - for your problems.
Seek out the areas where you judge others.
Where you feel compelled to gossip or lessen another in your mind.
Yes it’s uncomfortable to do this however the potential for growth in doing this is too high to ignore.
These areas are golden opportunities for you to reclaim your power, voice and sovereignty. (Listen to the Throat Chakra Healing Meditation below)
Evolving Our Ideas: Speaking Your Truth
I remember during the early part of my healing journey I felt I needed to speak up for myself after a lifetime of people pleasing, allowing more dominant people to speak over me, for me…I was building resentment.
I had a lot to say to a lot of people !
There is an idea floating around in the spiritual growth movement of needing to “speak your truth”.
You may have heard of it. So I did - to the extent I understood it.
I arranged difficult conversations with others and shared what I felt. It was tough, however I felt vindicated and relieved. It made me feel more confident as I expressed…
Yet something didn’t feel right…
I didn’t know what that was till a lot later in life.
“Speaking our truth” doesn’t mean it’s…truth
When we use the word truth, it has the analogy of being correct. Of being right.
However our feelings are not related to truth. If emotions were governed by what is right or wrong then we would always repress our so-called negative ones.
Emotions are free of logical restraint. They feel. They are entwined with our conditionings, desires, projections, fears, loves, insecurities. This makes them messy. It doesn’t make them invalid…however it makes them completely our own to meet, understand and take responsibility for.
Speaking from the Heart
As I moved away from this way of healing, I began a new approach:
I don’t know how to speak authentically.
I will take responsibility for what I feel.
My conversations softened. Honesty and vulnerability became my guides. Perhaps most importantly I realised it is almost impossible not to blame when we are voicing our feelings in relation to another.
This is OK as long as we are aware of it and admit it to another!
I realised I earlier felt vindicated only if those recipients were apologetic or remorseful. In other words it wasn’t a conversation. It wasn’t communication. It was an unloading.
I unconsciously sought a scapegoat to blame and justify my experiences.
I speak about this here because we need to redefine what it means to own our voice.
What does it mean to speak up for yourself?
We have to be careful not to use others as a scapegoat…to justify our remorse, for feeling powerless.
Think about this…If we feel powerless all our life and want to take our power back, where do we get it from?…Who do we get it from?
Are they solely responsible for taking our voice?
Our power?
When we project, we blame. It sustains a karmic dynamic.
When we own our feelings, we embrace them for healing.
This is far more difficult yet it releases us from the dynamic. It uses Compassion as a guide and still strives for challenging conversations - based upon vulnerability.
Vulnerability is our key to escaping this dynamic. Vulnerability will not allow the ego to try to win a conversation or situation. It is about us and our journey of uncovering love, in every situation.
Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) - The Higher Chakra
In Hindu beliefs, the Universe began with a primordial sound…Om (or Aum). It is believed this sound is ongoing, creating the vibratory nature of physical existence.
A very long time ago, your ancestors managed to formulate thoughts into words and created the first languages. Divinely orchestrated to bring meaning and allow humans to connect.

You have a Voice.
One that whispers a language beyond any known one. It is absolutely unique. It is always changing. Always evolving. Always birthing.
It is also entwined with the stories of your ancestors, your family, your life, environment, upbringing, influences. All designed to provide initiations for your inner voice to awaken in a particular way. Trust the way your voice speaks. Trust that you may not know what your voice is!
When we desire a powerful voice we may lean to putting force into our voice.
This isn’t real power.You do not need to speak over others to be heard.
You do not need a loud voice to be expressive.
You do not need everyone to listen to have value.An empowered voice can be as gentle as a feather.
It is a voice comfortable with where it emanates from…You.
This is why Authenticity is the guide for the Inner Voice.
The Throat Chakra is an incredible energy vortex that sits above the Heart. Anything above the heart is considered a higher chakra. The lower ones help you ground into physical reality. The Third Eye and Crown can be very attractive because of their affinity with being higher, yet the Throat is also a part of that group. In fact its element is Ether.
As a precursor, I recommend exploring general information about the Throat Chakra, which you can find online.
Dive into this experience below and allow your Soul, the Divine and your higher consciousness reveal what is being asked to be revealed…
Blessings on your journey,
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Deeper experience to explore for this healing theme: